Does “Time Equality” Exist?

Everyone gets 24 hours each day, yet time is not equal

Ken Green


We all wake up each day with the same 24 hours to spend.

It does not matter who you are. Rich or poor, black or white, male or female, famous or unknown.

Everyone gets 24 hours each day. Period.

So, if we all get 24 hours each day, does that mean time is equal?

Does “time equality” exist?

The simple answer is no. And here are three simple reasons for this:

  1. Where you live matters: The world is huge and situations in various parts of the world are different. For example, in places without access to safe water, women and girls spend 6 hours each day collecting water just to survive. As a result, that time cannot be put towards personal development or other productive ventures to benefit others. If you’re in the half of the planet with internet access to read this, you have a great opportunity. If you have the luxury to fully control your 24 hours, you can intentionally plan them to benefit yourself and others.
  2. Who you are matters: A dollar in my hand is not equal to a dollar in Warren Buffet’s hand. He has the skills to make that dollar much more valuable than the dollar in my hand. Similarly, if I have 24 hours in a day, with all…



Ken Green

Ken is a Chartered Professional Accountant practicing in Canada. He provides tax, personal, and business financial services.